Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Photo Essay: St. Louis, Missouri to Yuma, Colorado

In Sweet Springs, Missouri, we were given a hero's welcome. A small town with a big heart.

Cuts for Cancer...

Shareef as the new (and free) 4K poster boy

Cream Can dinner in Arapahoe, Nebraska. A slew of vegetables and sausage were steamed inside a cream can and served in a trough...luckily we didn't have to eat straight out of it

Our hostess Grandma Ginny. Everyone should hope to be as graceful and giving as this woman when they're older.

Tan lines. We've all got 'em...some are prouder than others.

In Nebraska rattlesnakes run rampid, apparently. One of the older gentlemen at the senior citizen center in Benkleman explained in great detail how to kill them. "Well, you have to run 'em over with a car. Or shoot 'em."

4K fundraiser/party in Benkleman, NE. Pickles cost $1.

Dessert table shenanegans.

Grilling. I had the privilege (?) of having a lengthy discussion with one of Nebraska's richest cattle farmers at the cookout. He laughed at me when I told him I don't eat red meat and warned me of the dangers of salmonella.

4K family with 4K baby candidate.

Rainstorm at our backs.

Goodbye, Nebraska!

The 4K loves animals. We've had some very successful animal rescue missions along the way, too.

The St. Louis Arch...The Gateway to the West.

Today I have an absolutely wonderful host family in Yuma, Colorado! Kit and Randi are such amazing people. They're frequent hosts to many young people who pass through town, and their hospitality and friendliness is not something you'd expect from just any couple.

We just crossed the state border from Nebraska today around mile 30 and ever since then it's been love at first sight. The scenery in Colorado is completely different. There are no mountains in sight (yet), but there is a much more rugged landscape that you don't see in Nebraska.

The photos below are a compilation of everything I've deemed "worthy" to be posted. Once the trip is finished I will upload all the extras online in some fashion. These also deserve captions that I will hopefully continue to add as quickly as possible. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Jack Jack, I love your pics!!! Too many favorites: the Nebraska sign, the trough (seriously is that how people eat over there?!), the DELICIOUS-looking burrito, etc. Have fun powering up the Rockies! I can't wait to see you!
